I can't believe it's already pday again!! Time is seriously flying in here. You know how people say the days are long and the weeks are fast? Right now the days are even flying by! I'ts crazy!! I can't believe it's been three weeks, almost a month! Sorry about the letters I told you I'd send! I wrote them but didn't ever have time to address them and send them so they've just been sitting in my notebook all week! haha I'm the worst i know! I'm so sorry!! I sent them yesterday though so you should be getting them. I feel so bad. We have barely any time to write letters or emails in here. So many people have written and sent me things and I haven't gotten back to them. I feel so bad! today is hopefully going to be my catch up day! Anyway I had a really good week! It's been awesome! I got to host Connor yesterday with Spencer and it was so awesome!! It was so nice to just hang with them and only them for a while. It was a really good outlet. I got to be with Spencer for about two hours and we just got to talk about everything. It was great. The only bummer about this week is that I'm still sick! I've been sick with a cough the whole time Ive been in here and it's awful. I've gotten my whole district sick and some of my teachers. I feel so bad but there's nothing I couldve done. Oh well hopefully I'll get better soon! The language is coming along. I'm not very good at it but it still amazes me to think that I can understand quite a bit of what my teachers are saying and that I can say what I can and its only been three weeks! The Lord is really helping all of us in here with the language. There's a thing in here called SYL (speak your language) and it's pretty obviouls on what it is. You just speak your language as much as you can. So I say a lot of my prayers in Cebuano and talk to my district in Cebuano. Well we don't do very well at that but we made a covenant with the Lord to start SYLing so we're getting better. The tricky thing about cebuano is that there aren't any set rules. Tagalog has set rules but filipinos that speak Cebuano just say and spell things how they want. Our teahcers have to just create rules and stuff that they came up with while they were there. Anyway it's good though. Sunday devotional was cool! Ron Tanner came and spoke to us. He is the one that created or produced or whatever 17 Miracles and Ephraims Rescue! So he talked about filming those and talked about how we need to know our ancestors. He gave the quote by President Hinckley where he said that we should alsways rememver what the pioneers did. He gave a quote by Arza Hinckley, and it's in Ephraim's Rescue when he was going to find the pioneers who were stranded and came across the quitters that included Ephraim. They were telling arza that the pioneers were either dead or in nebraska so they were going back to salt lake. Arza said, "Brigham Young said go find them so I'll find them or I'll die trying." I thought of President Monson and us today. The Lord through him as commanded us to preach the gospel. to find those that are suffering and who are in the dark. We need to say like Arza did, "President Monson told me to find them, so I'll find them or I'll die trying." Tuesday devotional was really good too! I was in the choir and we sung Joseph Smiths first prayer and it was amazing! I can't tell you how amazing it was. The conductor guy is awesome and hilarious. The spirit was so powerful while hundreds of missionaries sang and testified all at once about Joseph Smith and the first vision. Elder George Schwitzer came and spoke. He nailed it. It was so good. He talked about being converted. I really loved one thing he said. He was talking aobut forgetting yourself and you know weve all heard that a lot and Its awesome but I never quite knew how to actually do it. He said "forget yourself, forget your shyness..." I added a few more forget your doubts, forget your fears, forget your concerns, forget all of your weaknesses and become the son or daughter of God you can be. This was huge for me. I've committed to forget all these things especially my reserved nature. As you all know I'm really reserved. I like being reserved. Its not a bad thing to be reserved but out here I can't afford to be reserved. I want to be the missionary and the person that talks to everyone, that can and will carry a conversation with anyone. The Savior did and I'm a representative of Him so I need to also. I challenge all of you to pick things to forget about yourself and become better. I'm not good at it. I have a lot of work to do to become good at that. I hate being social haha but i'm trying. Elder Schwitzer said something that relates to getting better. It's about repentance. He said "repentance isn't only a change form good to bad, it's a change from good to better, from better to best." I know that we all need to repent and to improve everyday. One last thing I'll say because I have to wrap up. Gosh email time goes by so fast!! Anyway it's an experience I had a couple days ago. It's a really short experience but it meant so much to me. I was on the computer doing an online language study thing that we do everyday. It's called TALL in case you were wondering. Well my computer wouldn't pull it up and the one next to me wouldn't either. It wasn't that big of a deal but I was like dang I guess I'm not doing tall today. Then I thought why don't you pray. It'll work. I kind of procrastinated it but finally prayed. As soon as I said amen, the program came up. Stupid and really simple right? It meant the world to me though. I felt right then Heavenly Father's love for me and for everyone. he answered my prayer and I knew He has heard and answered the pleas of my heart for all of you and that He is watching over you and strengthening you. That He knows you and loves you. I know He is our Father in Heaven. I know He lives. Elder Oakes said something that I thought was really cool. He said imagine the plan of salvation from Heavenly Father's perspective. He sacrificed and is sacrificing so much for us to be here. He let us leave His presence to come here and choose for ourselves. I'm sure He didn't want us to leave His presence. We are His children but He did becasue He loves us and wants us to become like Him. It's just like you Mom and Dad letting me come on a mission. It's the same feeling He probably had when He let us come here. Let us all do what we came here to do. Let's not forget why we are here, that is to become like Heavenly Father. Let's not make His sacrifice go to waste. Let's choose Him and only Him. "... seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for tomorrow for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." -Matthew 6:33-34 I love you all! I continue to pray for you individually every prayer I say! Turn to the Lord. Obey ALL His commandments and enjoy the amazing blessings that come from that. I know this gospel is true. I know it and I love it. I love you all! I'll try to better with the letters this week! All is well! All is well! Hurrah for Israel!!!
-Elder Fox
They are moving us to west campus on tuesday! It's going to be awesome! It's so nice over there. We get our own apartments and we get to go to jamba juice where we get 50 percent off!! Weve heard west campus is missionary heaven! But anyway I dont know what to do about the address. I'll let you know when I find out. I'm sure it'll be fine if you keep sending to the same address and they'll figure it out but I dont know I'll let you know when i found out the new address! We should be good before tuesday though! I love you all!!
Connor's classroom is right across the hall!
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