Hey everyone!
Not a ton to update you all on this week. Still just plugging away as a missionary. We have a lot of great people we are teaching. I love them so much. They are the best people in the world. But yeah they are all great but once again church is the problem. They don't ever come which can get frustrating if we let it be frustrating. I think I forgot to update you on our investigator last week but he is doing better. We gave him a priesthood blessing we told him that if he prays, reads the Book of Mormon, and goes to church he will receive the strength he needs to stop smoking. So far he hasn't read and hasnt come to church. He's cut back on his smoking which is good but I think he thinks that he can just stop on his own. Hopefully he realizes that he needs the Savior and will start doing those things to allow the Atonement to work on him. He is awesome and his family is awesome too. I love visiting them. Also we have another investigator that suffered a stroke a while ago and can barely walk. We've visited with him and talked about how the priesthood that allowed the apostles of Christ's time to perform miracles has been restored and that miracles continue to happen in today's time. he believes he can be healed and he keeps telling us each time we invite him to come to church that if he is healed and can walk again then he will come to our church. We've told him that he needs to show his faith by coming to church before a miracle can take place. We know he is able to come to church becasue he was able to take a trip to cebu the other week which is a lot further. I don't know I've been praying for guidance to know what we need to do, or what the Lord would have us do. there's a member that comes to church every sunday who has a similar problem. I want to get her to one of the lessons with him so she can testify as someone with a similar problem. Anyway so that's a couple of updates on a couple of people we are teaching. I love them and I love all the people we talk to. I can't say it enough. One of the things I've been studying and trying to get better at is recognizing the Spirit and letting it guide me in all things. The chapter on it in PMG is so awesome. But yeah that's one of the things i've been working on and studying. We are promised and have been given the gift and companionship of the Holy Ghost and we have been promised that it will alwyas be with us and guide us in all things as we remember and keep our baptismal and temple covenants. The scriptures say that the Holy Ghost will show unto us all things what we should do. That's an amazing promise and a promise that I've done a horrible job of comprehending and taking advantage of. It will tell us all things what we should do. It doesnt matter what things they may be. Whether it be school, or work, or the gospel, or friends, or family, or whatever, we can receive guidance from our Heavenly Father through the Holy Ghost. I know that our Heavenly Father lives and loves us. That He is constantly working and constantly waiting for us to ask Him for help and guidance. Last night we were teaching these three little girls and we had one of them say the closing prayer. She wouldn't do it at first becsaue she was shy and then she finally did it. The prayer was so simple so cute and during the prayer I just pictured our Heavenly Father listening to her pray and I just thought of how happy He must have been that she was praying and talking to Him. and then I thought of how many people don't know they have a Heavenly Father they can talk to and so they haven't ever talked to Him. I thought of how sad Heavenly Father must be when we don't pray and talk to Him or when we say the same things over and over again. My testimony of how much He loves us and how He always listens to us and answers us was strengthened so much in that moment. I love Him and testify that He lives and loves us. This is also something I've been trying to work on is being completely sincere and following the Spirit to know what to say in my prayers. I love Heavenly Father and I'm so grateful for the love and mercy He shows me each day. I love "I Am a Child of God." I would encourage all of you to sing that at least once a day and let the words sink in. We are children of God and we are here to be tested and tried so that we can become like Him. That is the purpose of life and the only purpose of this life, to do all that we can to become like He is. How grateful I am for this knowledge that we have been blessed with and how grateful I am to have the chance to share with the people here. We must share this plan, which is a plan of happiness, with all we can. I love this work and I love the Savior, Jesus Christ, and our Father in Heaven whose work this is. I love and pray for you all! I hope you all have an amazing, happy week!
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