Sunday, May 18, 2014

We Are All Enlisted

Family and Friends! 

This week has been another great one. I don't have a whole lot of time this week to write but here's an update on the B family. They had their interviews this last saturday and they are good to go. They will be baptized this coming saturday which we are really excited about. They chose to be baptized in Tubigon's church instead of the ocean which we are kind of bummed about but it's okay because this is their baptism not ours. There will be five of them being baptized. The son in law won't be becase he has some word of wisdom issues. He was really drunk one of the times we were over there and he was really funny. Not to make a joke out of something that is really sad but it was funny. I feel so bad for him though. He comes from a broken family and they said that he just does whatever he saw his parents do which aren't very good things. I really hope he gets a desire to change his life for the better. He's a really nice guy. so that's the update on them. Our other progressing investigators have issues with the word of wisdom as well which we just found out so we'll be working with them on that too. I love the people we visit though. They are the best and it's so fun to spend time with them and share this gospel. I can't remember if I wrote about the O family but they are awesome. They are recent converts and they are the ones that gave us the B family as a referral. The dad has a really bad back and has a really hard time walking. Elder Tolman, my batch that was assigned here before me, carried him to the car so he could come to church and be baptized. After his baptism his back started to feel better and he was able to walk a little more. But his condition took a big downhill turn and now he can hardly sit up. He just lays in bed all day everyday. He hasn't been able to eat a lot so he's also gotten really really skinny. I'ts so sad. His wife and 4 little girls who are 14 and younger and who are the cutest girls ever have to do everything. But despite all of this he or them never doubt the Lord. Their faith is shining as strong and as bright as ever and it's been amazing to watch. I love that family so much. Their examples of trust and faith in the Lord have strengthened mine so much. I love the people here and I love what i'm learning on my mission. James and everyone else preparing to go get so excited because it's the best. If you want to get pumped watch Elder Holland's talk "We are all enlisted". Ive listened to it so much and get so excited to work every time I listen. Also I studied Mormon chapters 8 and 9 this morning becase in Holland's devotional talk on the book of mormon he mentions these chapters and says that one of the passages in these chapters impacted and changed his life forever and that he is eternally indebted to Moroni who wrote those words. That got me curious so i read them and they are just as powerful as he said they were. Moroni writes with incredible power and as I read the spirit filled my soul and pierced my heart. I had and have no doubt that the Book of Mormon is true. That those who wrote it, were prophets and wrote it for our day. I encourage all of you to read those chapters. Well I'm out of time. I love and pray for you all. I love this gospel and I love the Savior. He lives and loves each one of you. Have a great week!

Elder Fox

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