Sunday, May 25, 2014

Charity Never Faileth

Family and friends!!
I am really really low on time this week from just being slow at responding to your emails so I'll try and give a good update on the week. First of all and most important the B family was baptized last Saturday! It was an awesome experience. Everything went great. Elder McQuiston and I both got to baptize which was awesome. At the end of the service they all bore their testimonies and they all did a great job. One of them is 12 and he started to get emotional during his brief testimony. It was so cute. They are a great family and are great members of the church. The 18 year old has already said he wants to serve a mission which I can't tell you how excited we were when we heard that. We are giving him a PMG so he can start studying and also we are going to have him start working with us which will be awesome! I love them so much and can't wait to watch them grow in the church. That was the biggest highlight of the week. District leader is going well. It's getting better. Tomorrow's workshop is on Elder Tad Callister's talk, "Becoming a Consecrated Missionary" so hopefully it'll turn out well. Just quickly I want to summarize a little thing that happened last night. We got home and our ward clerk/youth president and our branch mission leader, Mario, were there. We all ended up getting into an argument on some problems in the branch. It wasn't a big deal but I withdrew myself from the argument and just started thinking. I finally got the Spirit back and it taught me a cool lesson. The question came to my mind, what is the solution to every problem in the world? And then I thought how was the greatest problem this world has faced solved? That problem being the fall of man. Well it was solved through the Savior and His atonement. It was solved through love, through charity. Charity is the solution to every problem. For charity never faileth. Then I opened up matthew chapter 6 if i remember right. And read towards the end of the chapter what the Savior's command to us about loving our enemies and how the Father makes His Sun to rise on the wicked and the righteous. And also His rain to fall on the wicked and righteous. Charity, the pure love of Christ, is the key. Love them that hate you and that despitefully use you and persecute you. I'm so grateful for the lesson that I was taught last night. I know that charity never fails and will solve any problem or challenge we may have. It's not easy, the Atonement wasn't easy, but it's possible and it must happen "for all things must fail," and only those who are found with this love can enter into the kingdom of God. I love you all and pray for your happiness and joy. I pray you all will have a great week. Hold to the rod which leads to the tree, or to the pure love of Christ.
Love, Elder Fox

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