Sunday, June 8, 2014

Floating Restaurant!

Family and Friends!!

 I'm really low on time this week. I only have about 10 minutes or so to write since we had a zone activity in Loboc which is pretty far away and we got back pretty late so I'll try to write as much as I can. The activity was way fun! It was a floating buffet restaurant with a guy singing classic songs and then we had a performance which was really sweet. It was probably the best activity we can do here in the mission other than golfing of course. Congratulations Jimmer on graduating high school! That's so crazy you've graduated now. You were all wondering about investigators. We have one who's family is all members. He's about 25 and a super awesome kid. He was supposed to be baptized a couple weeks ago but drank with his friends so it had to be pushed back. He said he never drinks to get drunk just a little because his friends do it. This is a big problem here in the Philippines. Groups of friends are called barkadas and it's kind of like the cool crowd. But the problem is is that a lot of these barkadas all drink and smoke and stuff and if you don't do that stuff then they leave you and you're not a part of them anymore. And that's basically all the kids you've grown up with and all the kids you know. It's a real challenge and I feel so bad for him. We haven't told him to change friends or leave them but we know he has to and we are praying that he will. We are just trying to teach him the doctrine and let the Spirit work in him. I think he knows he has to but it's really hard. He's such a humble and penitent kid but he's in a tough situation. I love him and so prayers in his behalf would be awesome. We are working on getting him friends inside the church which will be good. He has a baptismal date for July 6 by the way.

As far as district leader it's going well. It's become easier and not as stressful. It still kind of is but it's not bad. For my personal studies and reading I've been reading the Book of Mormon and I'm now in Alma 51 and it's awesome! I love the Book of Mormon! I've got the Book of Mormon fever and I'm sure Elder McQuiston is sick of me telling him how awesome Moroni is and how awesome the book is. Also I've been studying the Savior and our Heavenly Father. I've been reading the Book of Mormon, Teachings of Joseph Smith, and Jesus the Christ to learn more about Them and Their nature. I think I've mentioned this but I read in T of JS about the scripture that says and this is life eternal that they might know Thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. And Joseph Smith says that that is the only way we can receive eternal life. We must know Them and he says once we know Them we then know how to approach our Father in Heaven in way that we will get an answer and when we do that He will unfold the heavens unto us. Joseph Smith also said, "Once we are ready to come to Him, He is ready to come to us." That's probably not exactly right but I really liked that quote. So that's my personal study right now. I'm also printing off the King Follett Sermon by Joseph Smith and he talks about the nature of God. I'm really excited to read that and study it. Well I"m out of time. I love you all! Thank you for all of the prayers! Know i pray for you all too! I know our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ love us. I know They live and They lived once as we are now. They aren't a mystery. They are two Beings with bodies of flesh and bone. They have all wisdom and all power and all love for us. They really do want the best for us and want us to return to Them. They will do anything to get us there and all we have to do is trust Them and strive to know Them and become like Them. I love Them and I love this gospel which is the way back home. I hope you all have a great week! Love you all!

Love, Elder Fox

Playing golf to help make the long hot walks to the less actives house

Floating restaurant!

Performance on the river

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