Sunday, June 15, 2014

God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son

Family and Friends!!

I feel like email time keeps getting shorter and shorter every week! I only have 15 minutes again to write. I'm so sorry but I'll try to get it out. First of all happy father's day to Dad and to all dads everywhere! I love you so much Dad! Transfer calls are tomorrow so I'll find out if I'm moving or not and who my new comp will be. I really wish I could go another one with Elder McQuiston. He is awesome and we get along really well. I had the chance to go on splits with Elder Cornwall (one of the zone leaders) the other day and it was awesome. He is going home this week which is crazy. He's been here for a long time and it was really fun to learn from him. He is a really good missionary and teacher. He taught me a lot about how to teach to the needs of the people and how to ask good questions and mold the lessons around them. It was really fun to watch him and learn from him. I've been working on getting better at that stuff and it's made the work even more fun than it was. It's fun to teach people and not just teach lessons. Anyway I'm really grateful I could work with him. I don't have much more time left but wanted to share my feelings about the Savior since we can't testify of Him enough and I had a neat experience last night as i was getting ready for bed. I was listening to God so Loved Us so He Sent His Son and the Spirit was so powerful as I listened to the lyrics.

Oh, love effulgent, love divine!
What debt of gratitude is mine,
That in his off'ring I have part
And hold a place within his heart

Those words are my words. His love filled my soul and I was overwhelmed with gratitude. What debt of gratitude is mine that He came and suffered and died for me, a sinner. I love the title of this song and testify that it is true. God so loved us so He sent His Son, His only Begotten and Beloved Son. I testify that They live and love us and that They will support and help us through all of our trials and challenges. They live to help and love us. I love Them and will forever be grateful to Them. I love you all and pray that you all can feel Their love and support in your lives. I hope all of you have an amazing week!
Love, Elder Fox

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