Sunday, June 22, 2014

New Comp In Inabanga!

Family and Friends!!

It's been an exciting and crazy week this last week! Transfer calls came and I'm staying in Inabanga! Elder McQuiston moved to Panglao and is actually comps with Elder Larson who is from Olympus! I'm training a new missionary so I got to go to Cebu and pick him up which was fun to be up there in Cebu. My anak's (son's) name is Elder Meliang. he is from Mindanao so he speaks Cebuano which is awesome! He also has worked with the missionaries for 5 months before coming which is great because it takes some of the load off me. He has been a member for 1 year 7 months and he is the only member in his family. He's a great anak. He struggles with English so I'm trying to help him with that while he tries to help me learn Cebuano. I should be here in Inabanga for two transfers with him which means I will hit my year mark here in Bohol and that means that I hold the record for being assigned on Bohol the longest. Haha we all say that I've been assigned to the Bohol mission. I love it here though. It's the best. Anyway so that's the update on transfers. 

To give an update on investigators. Michael continues to progress and hasn't had any slip ups with his drinking for a few weeks now. His interview will hopefully be on Saturday which is really exciting. He's a great kid. He's the only one of our investigators that is coming to church right now. We have a lot of great people we are teaching but they just don't come to church. Let's see Juvi and Anabel are awesome. Juvi was baptized but Anabel hasn't been. They need to get married so that's their main concern and also Anabel tends to kind of run away or not be there when we come to their house. it's really frustrating. The times we have taught her she's great and really nice but the problem is just being able to teach her and get her to come to church. Juvi is trying so hard to get her to listen and join him but she is being difficult. Juvi is an awesome guy and is so patient with her. I love them both so much and they have awesome kids as well. 

Roel is another investigator who has committed to be baptized on July 19 but hasn't come to church. He is 31 years old and isn't married yet but he is a really nice guy and has a good heart. His concern is just coming to church which is most people's concerns. This area is awesome though. We have a lot of investigators and we are finding more and more every week. It's an awesome area to be assigned. 

I asked President Tanner what I could do to become a better missionary and he said to work on and get better at recognizing and having the Spirit with me in all that I do everyday. He said how that would help not only on the mission and in church callings but in all things such as school, career, and relationships with others. I really liked that advice and it's something I'm going to really work on and get better at. I would encourage all of you to learn to recognize the Spirit and follow it in all that you do every day. Especially James as you are preparing for your mission. I love the Holy Ghost and am so grateful for it. Without it there would be no point in being out here and I would be totally lost. What an amazing gift Heavenly Father has given us. I love Heavenly Father and the Savior and the Holy Ghost. I am so grateful for all They do for me each day. They lift me up and enable me to continue on and to become better. I love Them and testify of Them and Their purpose, that is to bring us home. What an amazing time we live in. I love and pray for you all! Have a great week!!

Elder Fox

Elder Fox, his anak (son) and Elder Murdock

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