Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Another Transfer in Inabanga!

Family and Friends!

We had a great week here in Inabanga! Things are going really well and the best thing that happened was that Roel finally came to church!! We went on splits Friday so I wasn't there when they taught him the sabbath day but the zone leader, Elder Ramada, taught it and got him to come. We actually weren't at church this last sunday becasue I had a fever Sat. and Sun so that was a bummer we couldn't see him and be with him but he said that he liked it and had a great experience. He said the members were really nice and welcoming to him and he said he loved that the classes are a question answer discussion thing instead of someone just spitting out stuff to you. Ah we're so happy he finally came. I hope he continues to come and that his parents, whom we're also teaching, will start to come as well. Dennis, the brother in law of the Berdin family, decided that he wants to get baptized and so we are now teaching him. Hopefully he is ready and can be baptized before I leave. That's the goal. I love that family. I do have some sad news, some really sad news. Junior, the recent convert who had tb and who was deathily skinny, passed away yesterday. We all thought he was going to get better but I guess the Lord has different plans and those plans are always the best. I feel so bad for his poor family. We are visiting them tonight and it's going to be a very sad and hard thing to see. They are the sweetest family and have endured so much hardship. They have basically no income, no food, and the smallest house you have ever seen yet they are the nicest sweetest people. The wife had her parents die when she was 12 and she led took care of her family and now she has been leading and taking care of this family alone and will continue to do so. I don't know how she does it. She hasn't once complained. She just continues to press on. An amazing example of faith. It's transfer week this week but nothing is really happening in our district here. We only have one change. I'll be another transfer here with Elder Meliang which will be great! I'm pretty much out of time. So sorry this is so short this week. I think I got all of the real important things that happened. Things are great here. Thank you for all of your prayers and emails! I love and pray for you all! I know this gospel is true. I know that are purpose in this is life is to follow the Savior in all things. I've loved reading about His perfect life, His complete humility and submission to the Father's will. I love Him and know He loves all of you. I hope all of you can feel of that love always. 

Elder Fox  

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