Sunday, July 13, 2014

Looking At The Things Which Are Not Seen

Family and Friends!

This week has overall been another great one with Elder Meliang despite some discouraging moments that have happened the past couple days. I want to thank all of you for your many prayers. I feel and receive strength and power from them so thank you. They lift me and give me the strength to continue onward. The power of prayer is real. In whatever moments of need we may find ourselves in, we can pray to Heavenly Father and He will aid us with His eternal and infinite love. We can be healed and strengthened through the Atonement of His Son Jesus Christ. 

Yesterday we visited Roel. He is an investigator and has a baptismal date but hasn't yet come to church. I think i may have mentioned a little about his situation but his father is sick and is in the hospital right now and they are struggling money wise. You can tell it has been really challenging for him and his family. He got kind of emotional in the lesson talking about it. The Spirit was so strong in the lesson as it always seems to be when we teach him. At the end of the lesson we invited him to pray and he asked Elder Meliang if he could just pray because he, Elder Meliang, was closer to God than he was at the time and that God would listen to his prayer. We then explained that when we pray we become closer to God. That gap decreases. And that God our Father wants to listen to us and talk to us always especially when we are suffering or we have problems and challenges in our lives. We told him that Heavenly Father wanted to hear from him at that time. He ended up praying and I know that God heard and listened to the prayer of one of His worried sons. I know God lives, that He is our Father and that He listens and answers our prayers. 

Another aspect or part of the church that I've gained a greater appreciation of this last week is that we have living prophets and apostles in our time that lead and guide us on our pathway home. I recently studied Elder Andersen's last conference talk on spiritual whirlwinds. In one part he brought up the family and gay marriage and stuff and then he said something that I didn't hear when we watched general conference and it's something that hit me. He said, "Why do we continue to talk about this? As Paul said, “We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen.” They see the things that aren't seen, the things we can't see. What an amazing blessing the Lord has given us with living prophets and apostles who see the unseen and tell us what we need to do to navigate safely home. 

Speaking of apostles and prophets on of the elders gave me 42 talks from Elder Holland, and tons more of Elder Bednar, and Elder McConkie, and others. I've been listening to all of those in the morning and at night. It's been awesome. I don't have much more time to write but I love you all. I know our Heavenly Father lives and I know that Jesus is the Christ. He is our Savior and through Him we can have peace and happiness in this life as well as in the eternities to come. He is the way, the truth, and the life and I love Him. I pray for all of you and hope you can feel my prayers as I have felt all of yours. I hope you all have a great week!

Elder Fox

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